Building working class, political, and economic power to end capitalism and white supremacy, for a socialist future in Greater Baltimore.

Our work…

The GBDSA provides a hub for local democratic socialists and hosts working groups focused on those concerns most urgent and responsive to our memberships’ capabilities. These working groups are by nature transient, but our focus is currently on:

Palestinian Solidarity

Opposing Israel’s genocidal occupation of Palestine through the Uncommitted Campaign. Signify your opposition to the United State’s material support for Israel’s genocidal actions by voting ‘Uncommitted’ in the Presidential primary, and visit our chapter for more actions you can take and for a deeper discussion of the necessity of this campaign.

Baltimore Baby Bonus

Supporting the residents of Baltimore City through campaigning for the Baltimore Baby Bonus, material support for young children in a city that is systematically starving its working class.

Unionize Baltimore

We are working to unionize the workers of Baltimore in partnership with a network of local organizers. GBDSA operated a Workplace Organizing Hotline to connect workers with experienced union staff who share our vision for our community.